The final day of the "denkmal, Russia-Moscow" exhibition: a treasure trove of outstanding events

On the third day of the exhibition the large-scale competition "Young restorers" was over
The participants were given a competitive task in five nominations:

  • Restoration of masonry and brickwork;
  • Restoration of easel paintings;
  • Restoration of woodwork;
  • Restoration of metal roofing;
  • Restoration of stucco decoration and plaster.

A highly qualified jury with representatives from Italy, Germany and Russia evaluated the works of the participants. Leonid Kondrashev, President of the NC ICOMOS of Russia, Deputy Head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow - Chief Archaeologist of Moscow, after summing up the competition noted that all participants have shown not the level of novice specialists, but already established restorers.

The winners are:

Nomination "Restoration of stone and brick masonry:
1st place - Smyslova Anastasia;
2nd place - Sverdlikova Anastasia;
3rd place - Shalygina Yulia.

Nomination "Restoration of easel painting":
1st place - Litvinenko Ekaterina;
2nd place - Borg Cherubin;
3rd place - Petrishcheva Elizaveta.

Nomination "Restoration of woodwork":
1st place - Shandyba Daria, Gulzhigit Bek;
2nd place - Sukhomlinov Artem, Zhurman Alexey;
3rd place - Zhuravlev Ivan, Panov Daniil;

Nomination "Restoration of metal roofing":
1st place - Voronin Boch;
2nd place - Fedorov Savely;
3rd place - Ivanov Egor.

Nomination "Restoration of stucco decoration and plaster":
1st place - Mileshin Nikita, Dubinin Egor;
2nd place - Spirin Stepan, Kozhevnikov Roman;
3rd place - Chernova Ekaterina, Stepanova Anastasia.

Best booth "denkmal, Russia-Moscow".

Within the framework of the exhibition a contest "The Best Booth" was organized. The winners were chosen by the guests of the exhibition: for three days a popular vote was opened on the website.
On the 23rd of October the winners were announced on the Central stand. The best booths according to the opinion of the guests of the exhibition were awarded diplomas in various categories:

  • Booth of "Nevskaya Palitra" and "Kraski Friedlander" received the title "The Brightest Booth";
  • Sminex company received a diploma in the nomination "The Best Project Implementation Layout";
  • APEX Design Bureau won the title "The Most Stylish Booth Design";
  • ILN GROUP by IL NATUR presented an analogue of rubber sculptures from Les Jardins d'Étretat at the booth and won the "Instagram Sensation" nomination of the exhibition;
  • INTECO's booth won in the "Most Conceptual Booth" category;
  • MR GROUP's booth was awarded as "The Most Technological Booth";
  • AUIPIK's booth was the best in the category "Preservation of Cultural Heritage";
  • The Moscow City Government won in the category "The Most Progressive Booth";
  • The booth of the Main Administration of the Russian
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the winner in the "Best Industry Solution" nomination.

Business program: key points and thoughts, announced on October 23

The business program began with the round table "Actual problems of preservation and restoration of wooden architecture monuments". During the event, specialists from different countries spoke of the effectiveness of governmental efforts and public initiatives in the preservation of wooden heritage, summed up the results of previous years' work and looked for further ways of working.

The speakers pointed out that three forces are involved in the preservation of wooden temples in Russia: the state, local residents and social movements. And if the governmental efforts are focused on the large restoration projects: ensembles of monasteries, kremlins and etc., the public initiatives have become a force to protect small monuments of wooden architecture.

The speakers told about the restoration projects in different parts of Russia, both those that have already been implemented and those that are only planned.

At the seminar "Specifics of Restoration of Monumental Sculpture Monuments Made of Nonferrous Metal: About Patina" the international specialists shared their knowledge about preservation of monuments of monumental sculpture made of non-ferrous metals.
Monumental sculptures made of non-ferrous metals have traditionally been one of the main decorations of the city space. The participants shared their opinions on how to protect and clean the sculptures from patina. They talked about patina properties, specifics of its formation, variety of natural and artificial coatings. An important emphasis was made on the fact that modern means of restoration of monuments must have all quality standards so as not to destroy the original structure of the material.

Panel discussion "The Adaptation of Architectural Monuments, the Art of the Impossible": Technological and Legal Problems in Restoration

The solution to the problem of adaptation determines whether the monument will be comfortable, whether it will preserve its historical value, how much it will cost the investor, and whether the end user will like it. The main difficulty is in the conflict of interests and with the requirements of the constantly changing social structure of the society. Participants of the discussion tried to identify key positions for improving methodological and legal grounds for regeneration, renovation, reconstruction of old buildings and creating prerequisites for long-term operation of cultural heritage without damage to the historic image and valuable architectural and artistic elements.

It is worth mentioning an unusual integration - a concert of Russian romances in the "Amphitheatre", essentially closing the business program of the exhibition.
Performers: Natalia Korshunova - Laureate of international contests, Honorary Worker of Culture of Moscow and Ekaterina Polyantseva - diploma winner and laureate of international contests, winner of the international contest "Mediterranean Romance".
General partners of the exhibition: Sminex Company, Nevskaya Palitra and "Kraski Fridlander", Capital Group and "PIK" company.

Strategic partners: APEX Design Bureau, Inteko Company, Pioneer GC, Mosproekt-3 GC, Gals-Development GC.

Official partners: Donstroy, MR Group, KROST Concern

Exhibition partner: VEKA Rus Company.

Official partners of "Young restorers": PJSC "Ingrad", LLC "Baumit", LLC "Sirius project

Kristina Mirzalieva
+7 (495) 197 83 47
Место проведения мероприятия:
Выставочный комплекс «Гостиный Двор»
г. Москва, ул. Ильинка, д. 4
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