Exhibitor requirements

1. Pay the cost of services in accordance with the terms of the contract.

2. Pay the registration fee for each Co-Exhibitor company with a legal name different from the Exhibitor.

3. No later than October 01, 2021, provide the Operator with information about the company for placement in the exhibition catalog.

4. Provide the Operator with information about their representatives and their personal data for badges registration no later than 10 (ten) calendar days before the event.

5. The exhibitor renting unequipped space is obliged to:
A) Perform construction, design, electrical installation works within your own stand.
B) No later than October 01, 2021, provide the Operator with a project for registration of leased space, qualification documents and coordinates of the stand developer company.
C) No later than September 30, 2021, provide the Operator with an application for electrical connection indicating the required power consumption capacity.
D) No later than October 10, 2021, provide the Operator with a completed application for special passes for the days of installation/dismantling of the stand, with a photocopy of passports of persons for whom special passes are intended.
A special pass for the days of installation/dismantling of the stand is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of other states in case of provision of properly executed documents confirming the status granting the right to work and a temporary residence permit in the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal laws No. 524-FZ, 522-FZ, 508-FZ
E) No later than October 01, 2021, to provide the Operator with the technical parameters of the built-up stand for coordination with the fire safety and civil defense department of the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex, as well as to provide certificates for materials intended for the construction of the stand.
F) It is fully financially responsible for the actions of its own or third parties (attracted by him to design the exposition) that caused damage to property, the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex, the Operator, Exhibitors, Delegates and Visitors to the exhibition, for the extension of installation and dismantling period.
6. To carry out construction work on the territory of the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex, the Exhibitor or his authorized representative is obliged to obtain accreditation for development no later than September 29, 2021 if the Exhibitor applied for accreditation for development later than September 29, 2021, an additional fee is charged to the exhibitor for processing an application for accreditation in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

7. Install the stand and equipment in the following terms:
- October 19, 2021 from 00:05 to 24 hours.
- October 20, 2021 from 00:00 to 24 hours.
- October 21, 2021 from 00:00 to 02 hours.
The exhibitor, or his authorized representative, is obliged to pay for the installation time extended by him or his authorized representative in accordance with the Operator's rates within 5 (five) banking days from the date of invoice.

8. During installation, the Exhibitor or his authorized representative must have qualification documents for the right to carry out electrical installation work: a certificate, a copy of the order appointing person responsible for the electrical facilities, a copy of the license for electrical installation work, passports for switchboards, accreditation, as well as a power of attorney for the right to sign Applications for extension of the installation

9. The layout of the stand must be agreed with the Exhibition Operator.

10. The height of the stand should not exceed 06 meters, for exhibitors of category A+, 05 meters, for exhibitors of category A, 04 meters, for exhibitors of category B.

11. Dismantle the stand, equipment and construction waste in the following terms:
- October 23, 2021 from 6 p.m. to 4 p.m.;
- October 24, 2021 from 00:00 to 11 o'clock.
If the representative of the Exhibitor, the developer company, has not dismantled the stand within the prescribed period, the Operator frees the area from the property owned by the Exhibitor at his own expense. At the same time, the Exhibitor bears the risk of damage or loss of property during its dismantling and transportation. The Operator shall recover from the Exhibitor documented expenses related to the dismantling, export and storage of these property, the costs associated with the extension of the Pavilion's lease, if such renewal will be necessary for the dismantling and removal of the Exhibitor's property. The Exhibitor also pays a fine of 50% of the cost of this contract.
12. In case of guilty damage to the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex, as well as the Operator's equipment or property, reimburse the confirmed expenses in full within 05 (five) banking days after the Operator's invoicing.

13. Observe the following rules of work during the event:
When using sound equipment, the volume should not exceed 50 (fifty) decibels. The use of live music is possible only in agreement with the Operator.
The use of light effects is prohibited.
In cases where noise and optical interference leads to complications in the work of other Exhibitors and/or creates inconveniences for exhibitors and visitors, the Operator has the right to restrict or prohibit relevant events.

14. Observe safety rules, fire and sanitary rules at the exhibition. Provide a certificate of fire treatment for all potentially combustible materials used.

15. Take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of your own personnel, Operator's personnel and visitors, as well as the safety of areas and equipment, both their own and the Operator, and other participants and exhibitors when working at the stand, as well as when importing and exporting their own property.
16. Independently settle any claims that may arise from third parties in the event of the Exhibitor's use of copyright and related rights.

17. Agree in advance with the Operator on all presentation events, such as reading reports, screening movies and distributing advertising and other literature, held outside the stand.

18. Sign the act of acceptance and transfer of services rendered within 05 (five) working days from the date of its presentation by the Operator; or provide a written reasoned refusal within the same time frame; in the absence of a reasoned refusal to sign the act within 10 (ten) days from the date of the end of the exhibition, the services are considered to be provided by the Operator
+7 (495) 197 83 47
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г. Москва, ул. Ильинка, д. 4
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«Gostiny Dvor» Expo, Il’inka, 4, Moscow
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