Outdoor webinar exhibition opportunities

The exhibition "denkmal, Russia - Moscow" is traditionally an opportunity for budding restorers to plunge into the professional environment, demonstrate their skills and get a qualitative assessment from acknowledged masters.

Join the open webinar today at 15:00 and learn about the young restorers competition and other opportunities of the exhibition "denkmal, Russia - Moscow" in 2021!

Free registration

+7 (495) 197 83 47
Место проведения мероприятия:
Выставочный комплекс «Гостиный Двор»
г. Москва, ул. Ильинка, д. 4
По всем вопросам:
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For media
On all issues
«Gostiny Dvor» Expo, Il’inka, 4, Moscow
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