In addition, the exhibition showcased the processes of restoring the stained glass pavilion 6 "Chemistry" (formerly the Lithuanian SSR) VDNKh (Prospekt Mira, 119, building 6), as well as the reconstruction of a fragment of the mosaic panel for the Research Institute of Graphite (Electrodnaya street, 2).
A special workshop was devoted to the preservation, care and restoration of ceramic coated floors (Mettlach tiles). Visitors to the exhibition were told about the process of restoring historical tiles, were shown authentic elements of different shapes and thickness, and each participant of the master class used a special composition and hand press to make a tile fragment with a pattern.
On the first day of the exhibition, the All-Russian Art Scientific and Restoration Center named after Academician I.E. Grabar also prepared workshops. The Russian Association of restorers held a workshop for the young participants as part of the "Little restorer" project. The young participants made a virtual excursion to the museum of architectural ceramics "Keramakh" and learned about how architectural ceramics are created and restored. Under the master's responsive guidance, each visitor had the opportunity to make their own model of the future tile.
And on October 22 and 23, 2021 there was a master class in museum restoration organized by the restorers of the Moscow State Integrated Art and Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve.
An extensive program of business events was prepared for the guests of the exhibition. During the opening business program specialists discussed both already realized projects of restoration and integrated development of the environment, such as the House of Culture "GES-2" and the Narcomfin House, and large objects where works are carried out. For example, the Moscow Imperial House.
The first day was also devoted to discussions of the preservation of apartment buildings, which are objects of cultural heritage, as well as technologies of restoration of white stone on monuments of architecture.
The second and third days were devoted to education and training in the restoration of objects of cultural heritage.
At the traditional student conference the graduates and students of specialized colleges and universities presented their completed restoration projects. The presentations were made by the students of Moscow Architectural Institute and Moscow State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry, Sergei Andriyaka Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts, Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Ilya Glazunov, "26 KADR" college and educational complex of urban development "Capital City".
An open student scientific seminar "World cultural heritage as a factor of sustainable development of modern society" took place on October 23, where the participants considered the issues of preservation of cultural heritage and intercultural communications in the aspect of social and cultural phenomena. The seminar was attended by the students of the Moscow Government University.
During all the three days of the exhibition RC "Mosvolonter" volunteers were actively working at the booth of the Moscow City Government assisting the organizers, inviting them and telling about the workshops.
Within the framework of the exhibition, the competitions for young restorers were traditionally held. They were held in 5 competencies: restoration of masonry and brickwork, restoration of easel painting, restoration of metal roofing, restoration of woodwork, restoration of stucco decoration and plastering. In competitions participated 28 pupils of profile educational institutions from Moscow, St.-Petersburg and Orel.
Seven students from college "26 KADR" took part in competitions from Moscow. They fought for the prizes in all the competences of the competitions and took the first places in three of them: painting restoration, woodwork restoration and metal roofing restoration. Third place in the restoration of masonry and brickwork, as well as in stucco and plasterwork.
The largest restoration and architecture college in Moscow also organized master classes, presentations and activities for the guests of the exhibition, and as part of the business program students and professors made presentations on the participation in major restoration projects and the development of the industry.
Denkmal is the largest international forum on the restoration, preservation of monuments and restoration of historic buildings that takes place every two years in Leipzig (Germany) under the auspices of UNESCO. The exhibition has been held since 1994 and is designed to promote cooperation between experts in the field of preservation, conservation, restoration and popularization of historical and cultural monuments, exchange of experience in the use of modern technology, establishing new professional contacts.