Strategic partner of the exhibition Hals-Development shared the company's experience in restoration

This year, the agenda of the "denkmal, Russia-Moscow" exhibition is focused on preserving the historical and cultural heritage, the architectural appearance of cities - in particular, Moscow.

Ivan Zuev, Head of Business Unit "Development" of Hals-Development Group, shared the company's experience in the context of the exhibition specialisation and answered the following questions:

  • Have you ever implemented projects involving the restoration of the exterior façade of cultural heritage sites or the recreation of interiors and internal infrastructure?
  • What other heritage restoration projects would you like to implement?

"The preservation of cultural heritage sites and their involvement in the modern life of the city is an important area of work for Hals-Development. The company's portfolio includes several successfully completed projects, such as the Theatre House on Povarskaya, the elite neighbourhoods Wine House and Literator, and, of course, the legendary children's shop on Lubyanka.

The complex reconstruction of the Central Children's Shop at Lubyanka, the facades of which were recognised as the subject of protection and subject to preservation, was completed by the company in 2 years. The renovated shop has retained its external appearance, the original dimensions of the atrium with balustrades and marble balusters, oak doors, unique bronze floor lamps and the three-bay entrance to Lubyanka.

Preserving the façades was also an important part of the work on our residential properties. For example, in the elite Literator quarter in Khamovniki, we reconstructed the malt house designed by the famous Russian architect Dmitry Gushchin in the late 19th century, which now houses apartments and offices. The Wine House project in Zamoskvorechye included the restoration of the cultural heritage site of P. A. Smirnov's Vodka Factory Partnership, built at the end of the 19th century to a design by architect Nikolay Voskresensky. "Hals-Development has carried out comprehensive work to restore the architectural and artistic appearance of the historic building, recreating the lost details and preserving the spatial structure. The walls of the former factory office of the tsar's cupbearer Pyotr Smirnov are now home to loft apartments. While working on the Theatre House project, we carefully restored the main façade of the 19th-early 20th century building on Povarskaya Street, created by architect N.D. Strukov in the classical manner.

The professional expertise and experience we have gained in working with architectural and historical monuments is the basis for our further development. Hals-Development is currently working on several new projects, including those in central Moscow. We will be ready to present new objects as early as next year," said the expert.

+7 (495) 197 83 47
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