Best booth "denkmal, Russia-Moscow".

Within the framework of the exhibition a contest "The Best Booth" was organized. The winners were chosen by the guests of the exhibition: for three days a popular vote was opened on the website.
On the 23rd of October the winners were announced on the Central stand. The best booths according to the opinion of the guests of the exhibition were awarded diplomas in various categories:

  • Booth of "Nevskaya Palitra" and "Kraski Friedlander" received the title "The Brightest Booth";
  • Sminex company received a diploma in the nomination "The Best Project Implementation Layout";
  • APEX Design Bureau won the title "The Most Stylish Booth Design";
  • ILN GROUP by IL NATUR presented an analogue of rubber sculptures from Les Jardins d'Étretat at the booth and won the "Instagram Sensation" nomination of the exhibition;
  • INTECO's booth won in the "Most Conceptual Booth" category;
  • MR GROUP's booth was awarded as "The Most Technological Booth";
  • AUIPIK's booth was the best in the category "Preservation of Cultural Heritage";
  • The Moscow City Government won in the category "The Most Progressive Booth";
  • The booth of the Main Administration of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the winner in the "Best Industry Solution" nomination.
Kristina Mirzalieva
+7 (495) 197 83 47
Место проведения мероприятия:
Выставочный комплекс «Гостиный Двор»
г. Москва, ул. Ильинка, д. 4
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«Gostiny Dvor» Expo, Il’inka, 4, Moscow
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