"denkmal, Russia - Moscow": the results of the second day

On the 22nd of October in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow, the second day of the International specialized exhibition on preservation, restoration, use, popularization of cultural heritage, redevelopment and museum technologies "denkmal, Russia - Moscow" was held.
The business program included pressing issues of the industry, as well as a long list of expert speakers. Moreover, in the evening of October 22 at the restaurant "Turandot" the "denkmal awards" ceremony was held.

The second day of the exhibition was also marked by the visit of Mr. Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow City Government, Executive Officer of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, who visited the exhibition, in particular the exclusive stand of the Moscow City Government.

ICOMOS Scientific Symposium told about new Russian UNESCO cultural heritage site

The Scientific Symposium of the National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) opened with a plenary session in the "Amphitheatre" - area of Conference Hall 1, during which specialists in the field of cultural heritage preservation shared their experience and key successes.

ICOMOS is an international organization which since 1965 has been protecting historic and cultural monuments and evaluating sites for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Gergely Nagy, vice president of the ICOMOS National Committee, Hungary, told what the committee does in his country: the organization of various cultural events, protection of historical monuments, involving the new generation in the work to protect cultural monuments and cooperation with government agencies in this area. According to Gergely Nagy, the Hungarian authorities help in the preservation of cultural heritage: in particular, they compensate the business 50% of the cost, if a building is restored.

Leonid Kondrashev, the president of ICOMOS National Committee, Russia, told that one of the most important achievements of our country in the sphere of cultural heritage preservation for the last years is inclusion of Karelian petroglyphs into the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

According to Yulia Alipova, the Head of the Department of protection of cultural heritage of the Republic of Karelia, the Karelian petroglyphs are the largest assemblage of ancient rock art in Russia. The total number of signs and figures in the rock complexes of Lake Onega and the White Sea - more than 4600. In total, 44 areas of rock art are represented in the UNESCO list. There were no Russian petroglyphs among them until 2021.

Moreover, within the framework of the ICOMOS symposium it was told how cultural and historical monuments are included into the UNESCO list and statistical data on this subject. For example, the UNESCO World Heritage List includes 31 monuments from Russia, our country occupies the 9th place in the world by this indicator. The three leaders are Italy (58 sites), China (56 sites) and Germany (51 sites). According to the vice-president of ICOMOS, Russia on scientific committees Nadezhda Filatova, the countries are in an "arms race" for leadership in the number of sites, and the pursuit of quantity often comes at the expense of quality.

The experts also spoke about what problems can prevent a historical site from getting on the UNESCO list. Member of the NC ICOMOS Irina Trubetskoy talked about the promotion of St. George Cathedral of Yuryev Polsky to the list of UNESCO. It had long been planned to be nominated to the list of World Heritage Sites, but because of confusion in the documents this process has been stalled. In some lists of monuments, it is designated together with the surrounding ramparts, in others - as an independent monument. In addition, only the date of its construction in 1234 is indicated, and the reconstruction in the XV century is not taken into account. Because of this, experts cannot work on the application.

Innovations in restoration

The problems of choosing the optimal technological solutions were discussed at the conference "Development of restoration industry: modern technologies and perspectives" in the White Hall - conference hall #2.

Alexey Kharitonov, deputy general director of Azhio Group of Companies for science: "Step by step implementation of the complex approach in the restoration materials science is important. There are three such steps: complex survey of buildings and constructions, survey works and design, development, production and supply of materials necessary for the implementation of the project and production of restoration, decoration and construction works. Evaluation of the effectiveness of materials and technologies". The speaker called for the creation of all-Russian practice in chemical and technological solutions and the creation of general requirements for quality control, because so far all the changes are kept only in the author's documentation.

Wolfgang Hockel from the Leipzig Cultural Foundation focused on Art Deco, "the luxury style from Paris," which has recently come into the focus of art historians. He emphasized how important it is to know the stylistics of the era, knowledge of the materials, color materials accepted at that time. The speaker considered the topic using the example of buildings in Leipzig, where Art Deco was massively used in housing construction. The houses, which had their original colors back, struck a chord with the townspeople. "The houses had faded and grayed over time," said the speaker. - After restoring one of the houses, a French journalist wrote that the look of the facade reminded her of a colorful carpet. The colors play a very important role in the perception of a work.

Alexander Kuzmin, specialist in business development and support in terms of building sales and commercial infrastructure of the production companies Nevskaya Palitra and Fridlander Paintings, told about technological approaches to painting facades and interiors. "Technological approach in our understanding is a step-by-step inspection: assessment of the state of the monument, the technology of the materials, the technology of works", - said the speaker. Of course, the basic rules should be followed: you can't apply water-based paint at sub-zero temperatures. Hue of the color must also be chosen meticulously. According to an analysis of inquiries for the Nevsky Palette OCN, 54 percent of inquiries are for white, 20 percent are for yellow, sand and shades, and 14 percent are for brown and shades. "Probably a large variety of palettes isn't necessary in restoration," the speaker said. - "But our technological imperative is that we need to do spectral analysis of colors with the lighting in mind.

Save can't be remade

Is it possible to use PVC windows and other modern materials when working with historic buildings was discussed at the discussion panel "New technologies and old buildings: the opportunities and limits of use". At the event spoke Sergey Yelnikov - Head of PR and Communications of VEKA Rus, Andrey Okulov - Head of Technical Department of VEKA Rus and Svetlana Romanovskaya - Deputy Director of restoration company "KultRassvet".

Andrey Okulov noted that in German cities, windows and doors often reflect the face of the owner and his individuality. Recently in Russia, there is also this trend, but most people use typical windows. Meanwhile the technology of modern PVC windows allows a lot. It provides thermal protection, security, noise insulation, they are environmentally friendly and contain elements of Smart House, have no restrictions on color and shape. Manufacturing technology is developing and it is possible to use them for restoration work. Visually, PVC can be distinguished from wood only by an expert, and at the same time PVC is much more durable.

Svetlana Romanovskaya spoke on behalf of the restorers. She told about cases of plastic windows application on the monuments. One of these houses is in Moscow (Dostoevskaya, 4, Bldg. 1) where there is an infectious diseases hospital. And medics, according to their requirements, refused the wooden version. "The doctors set us a task: the windows in the infectious diseases hospital must be cleaned with chlorine-containing products. Then we decided to use a combined solution: the exterior sash replicated the wooden joinery exactly, while the interior was made of hygienic plastic with a single-chamber double-glazed window."

Sergey Yelnikov summarized: "For us there is no task to get into programs of historical monuments, we are not so economically interesting. The topic is interesting for us because of the challenges, challenges that push the boundaries of ideas about PVC windows. No one is proposing to put a laminate flooring in the Hermitage. But in the case of the background development, a good plastic with a nice shape will make the buildings survive and win.

OCH and Renovation

How to ensure modern development of the city while preserving the unique historical and cultural heritage of Moscow was discussed at the round table "From Renovation of Housing to City Development Strategy".
Co-organizer of the event was the Moscow Center for Urban Studies "Gorod" Foundation.

The renovation program will breathe new life into neighborhoods at risk of becoming ghettos, believes Alexey Raskhodchikov, co-chairman of the Moscow Urbanism Center Foundation. It will solve one of the problems of the modern metropolitan city - the gradual withering of the old factory districts and residential areas built in the eighties of the last century. Their development is a matter of the next few years. "It is impossible to create a feasible strategy on the district scale, if it does not take into account the interests of residents, if they are not ready to participate in it", - the speaker emphasized.

According to Deputy Director of Moscow General Plan Institute Maxim Gurvich, Moscow's normal image can be preserved only through creating space for people. Public space should not be less than 35% of the land area. "Renovation is not only the construction of new houses, it is only the first stage." According to the speaker, the next phases are planned to make a qualitative transition, where about half of the space becomes public, connected, safe, and with the ability to accommodate service facilities, which will provide a better quality urban environment.

"We need to make up history where there is none," believes Dmitry Sukhov, Chief Architect of Mosproekt-3. - Where there are no architectural monuments, there might be a ravine, a stream, and interesting people might live. For example, I associate the Izmailovo district with lilacs, because they have played with Lilac Boulevard, you can draw a lilac line through the entire district". Speaking about identity, Dmitry Sukhov said that there cannot be a lot of religious buildings, and we should aim for 10%. Sometimes it's enough to connect different parts of the district with bicycle and scooter paths.

Yulia Soldatenkova, Chief Architect of A-Project.K Design and Engineering Institute of the KROST Concern, spoke about the renovation in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, where different architects have carried out renovation since 2000, with the construction of 37 35-storey buildings. She spoke about the problem of moving people out of the old housing stock. But people aren't happy with the resulting eclecticism. "We're trying to reduce discontent," the speaker said, "the management company is constantly there holding festivals, sports broadcasts, trying to bring people together. We're planting flowers, landscaping the area. This quarter may not like it, but that's the downside of so many years of work and architects. You have to learn from everything."

Import substitution in the restoration: opportunities and challenges for the Russian manufacturer

Participants of the roundtable "Import Substitution in Restoration. Opportunities and difficulties of the Russian manufacturer" round table participants discussed the import substitution, the examples to follow for the Russian manufacturer, and the issues of quality standards.

The moderator of the round table was Tatiana Katilova, General Director of LLC "Kraski Fridlender", member of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Nevskaya Palitra". The speaker started the session by outlining the problems to be discussed. The main of them is the absence of the approved normative base of technical parameters, which the manufacturer could be guided by. "At the end of the meeting we would like to have a document that would regulate these parameters", - said the speaker. In this case, as general director of the production of paints, she spoke in favor of the scientific approach to restoration, and also shared her personal experience and opinion on how to most productively solve the problem of import substitution: "We are for sharing experience with the importer. Our own experience is not enough, and therefore the experience of foreign colleagues is useful to us", - explained the expert.

Dmitry Redkin, development director of Runit LLC, leading technologist, and project manager for work with public and volunteer organizations, confirmed the words of the previous speakers. "We declare scientific activity, but trade names still get into recommendations. We need to understand the composition, physical and chemical properties, interaction features. Properties are the most important thing. As long as there are no generally accepted norms, there will be differences. However, Dmitry's opinion as to who exactly should develop regulations was different. According to him, the development of these standards should not be initiated by a group of enthusiasts, and they must be centralized.

Sergey Shibaev, Technical Director of LLC "REMMERS", suggested adopting experience of foreign colleagues. "The BTA is responsible for developing norms in restoration in Europe. It includes representatives of designers and contractors - working groups that are united on different topics. The idea is that when you join BTA you can use the existing standards base (phases of work in different cases). And you can refine the norms to suit our conditions. I also think that we should be guided by the problem rather than the material," said the speaker.

denkmal awards: the best architectural projects and companies have been identified, working with OKN

On October 22, 2021 in the restaurant "Turandot", Moscow, a gala-party took place to award the winners of the denkmal awards - the first international prize rewarding companies that put their efforts, soul and accumulated knowledge in the preservation, adaptation to modern use and restoration of cultural heritage sites. The prize was established within the framework of the international exhibition "denkmal, Russia-Moscow".

The official opening ceremony was attended by Minister of the Moscow City Government, Executive Officer of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow Sergey Cheremin and Mayor of Leipzig for Urban Development and Construction Thomas Dinberg.

"We have been holding the exhibition "denkmal, Russia-Moscow" for ten years in cooperation with our German colleagues. During this period of time, Moscow has undergone tremendous changes, so it can be considered a real historical era. This period is distinguished by the dynamic development of our capital city, which, among other things, stimulates the exhibition. I thank everyone involved in this event, as well as the restoration industry as a whole," said Sergey Cheremin.

"I am glad that in these difficult times we were able to hold the exhibition in real time. Despite the difficult conditions, the exhibition gave us an opportunity to communicate and communicate," said Thomas Dinberg. The speaker thanked the guests of the evening and invited everyone to the denkmal in Leipzig next year. Sergey Cheremin, for his part, accepted the invitation on behalf of the Government of Moscow.
General partners of the exhibition: Sminex Company, Nevskaya Palitra and "Kraski Fridlander", Capital Group and "PIK" company.

Strategic partners: APEX Design Bureau, Inteko Company, Pioneer GC, Mosproekt-3 GC, Gals-Development GC.

Official partners: Donstroy, MR Group, KROST Concern

Exhibition partner: VEKA Rus Company.

Official partners of "Young restorers": PJSC "Ingrad", LLC "Baumit", LLC "Sirius project

Kristina Mirzalieva
+7 (495) 197 83 47
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