Garik Anatolievich Sangulia was born on 09.19.1961 in the village of Jgerda, Ochamchira district. In 1978, he graduated from Jgerda Secondary School. In 1978-1980, he studied at the Sukhumi Construction University. - From 1978-1980 he studied at the Sukhumi Construction Technical School. After graduation, he was drafted into the Army, served in the radio-technical troopsof the Anti-Air Defense of the Moscow Military District. -1982-1986 studied at the Abkhaz State University, Diploma Work on the topic: "Monuments of Late Colkhidsky Culture VI-Ic.c.B.C. -1983 - Senior Researcher at the Abkhaz Institute of Language, Literature and History named after D. I. Gulia. - 2004 - Chief Specialist at the Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection. - 2010 г. - Director of Tamish archeological reserve. - 2012 - Deputy Head of the State Administration of Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection. - 2013 - Head of the State Administration for Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection. - 2014 г. - Researcher at the Department of Archaeology of the ABIHR (Abkhaz Institute for Humanitarian Researches) Participant in the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia 1992-1993. Author of a number of publications on the archaeology and history of Abkhazia.