Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to the Russian Federation
She was born in Mexico City on the 1st of May 1958 and holds a Degree in Economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, 1977-1981. Thesis: “Latin America: A difficult path to integration”. Member of the Foreign Service of Mexico, where she was raised to the position of Ambassador in 2006. Married.
Experience as diplomat:
At the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico:
Deputy Minister for Latin America and the Caribbean (2012).
Director General for Latin America and the Caribbean (2011-2012).
Director General for Europe (2004-2006).
Director of Academic Exchange and Scholarships at the Directorate General for Cultural Affairs (1992-1994).
Deputy Director of the Mexican Commission for Co-operation with Central America (1992).
Chief of the Department of Regional Organisms and Integrations Processes at the Directorate General for Multilateral Economic Relations (1984-1986).
Economic analyst at the Directorate General for Western Europe (1981-1984).
Serving abroad as member of the Foreign Service:
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Russian Federation,concurrently accredited to the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Armenia(2017-Present).
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Finland,concurrently accredited to the Republic of Estonia (2013-2017).
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Sweden, concurrently accredited to the Republics of Latvia and Lithuania (2006-2011).
Minister/Deputy head of mission at the Embassy of Mexico in Sweden (2001-2004).
Counsellor at the Mexican Delegation to the OCDE in Paris, France (1998-2001).
Alternate Representative at the Permanent Mission of Mexico to United Nations in Vienna, Austria (1994-1997).
She has represented Mexico in several International conferences and meetings. Member of the Mexican Council of International Affairs COMEXI.
Languages: French, English, German, Portuguese, Italian. Intermediate-level of Russian and Swedish.Spanish (mother tongue).
Experience at International Organizations:
Head of projects at the Action Committee in Support of the Economic and Social Development of Central America (CADESCA), of the Latin American Economic System (SELA), in Panama (1986-1992).
Professional and Further Training Courses:
Online course “New Ethics and Integrity in Public Service”. Secretariat of the Civil Service and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov. 2020.
Online course “Introduction to the administration of documents and archives of the obliged subjects of the National Transparency System”, organized by the Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data of the state of Mexico and municipalities. Nov. 2019.
Online course “Methodology for the design, formulation of classification systems and archival management”. National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Nov. 2019.
Online course “Methodology for evaluation and documentary arrangement”. National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Nov. 2019.
Online course “Archival description”. National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Nov. 2019
Online course “Tourism Promotion in the #Mexicoglobal”. Matías Romero Institute. June. 2019.
Online course “General Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Obliged Subjects”, National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Jun. 2019.
Online course “Introduction to the Federal Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information”, National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data. Jun. 2019.
Online course “Globalization and the New Global Economy”. Universities of Oxford, Yale and Stanford. Dec. 03-Jan. 04.
Online course “Consular Protection in United States and the Work of the Mexican Foreign Ministry”. Matías Romero Institute of Diplomatic Studies. Oct. 2000.
Diplomatic Training Course, (Mexican Foreign Ministry/IMRED), Sep.1991-May 1992.
University Specialization Course in International Politics, Universidad Iberoamericana, Feb-Nov.1993. Dissertation: “International Cooperation: the case of Central America”.
“Foreign Trade Policies in Latin America” course, ECLAC/UNCTAD/OAS/UNDP/ILPES, in Asuncion, Paraguay (June 1985).
“Introduction to International Relations” seminar. El Colegio de México, Oct.83-Feb.84.
Internship at Philips Ibérica, S.A.E., Madrid, Spain, Marketing Division (1983).
Internship at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Brest, France, at the Foreign Trade Service (1981).
Article “La Política Exterior Feminista de México” in online magazine “Servicio y prácticas diplomáticas”, Núm. 1. Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Feb 2021.
Coordination of Núm. 115 of Mexican Foreign Affairs Magazine, dedicated to “Rusia y su Papel en el Mundo”. Matías Romero Institute, Mexico, Jan-April 2019.
Article “Rusia en la Nueva Geopolítica del Ártico”. Mexican Foreign Affairs Magazine, Núm. 115, “Rusia y su Papel en el Mundo”. Matías Romero Institute, Mexico, Jan-April 2019.
Article “Participación Ciudadana: algunos elementos sobre el caso de Finlandia” en “Mecanismos de Participación Ciudadana: una experiencia global”, coordinated by Gerardo Romero Altamirano and Gema M. Morales Martínez. Electoral Institute of the state of Querétaro, Tirant lo Blanch, Mexico City, 2017.
Idea and coordination of a DVD documentary “Mexico and Finland: 80 Years of Friendship”. Embassy of Mexico in Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Helsinki, Sept 2016.
Point of agreement approved by the Permanent Commission of the H. Congress of the Union recognizing the work carried out at the Mexican Embassy in Russia to provide protection and consular assistance to more than 45 thousand Mexican citizens who traveled to Russia during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Order of the Lion of Finland with the degree of Commander Grand Cross bestowed by the Republic of Finland (2017).
“Mexican Foreign Service - 25 years” awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2012).
Royal Order of the Polar Star with the degree of Commander Grand Cross bestowed by the Kingdom of Sweden (2011).
In the early years following the admission to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1981), she was repeatedly awarded “incentives” and “rewards” in recognition of her performance.